may 17th 2012

oh boy, so many things happened on that day.  two hours of sleep the night before and i jerked up thinking i was late. Received a text from the birthday boy saying he couldnt make it to college...

felt kinda lost so i just drove to DU, wondermilk to go collect his birthday cake and they had problems with the oven, so they asked me to come back in 20 minutes time. Super zha dou. *stabs self*

so i drove back home got ready and all, then drove out again to collect the cake.
got a 4 maxi cupcakes from them because they knew they were sorry, awwhh :}
bu i gave them all to samuel ! haha.

the incomplete birthday board for david.. :/ 
but the notes were all filled up before giving it to him except for that empty space on the right because najeems note fell off and its with jian nee now lol.

and i feel damn dumb for writing that the first sentence!
the surprise plan was cancelled and i wrote that the night before and i had totally forgotten about it.

the paul frank bag to put the prezzie in :)

 the birthday gift! stormtrooper clock.

Arsenal theme cupcakes.

the cupcakes they gave to compensate my loss of time? hahhahaha :p

party spraysssss ~

part of the surprise,  but since the bday boy couldnt make it, i gave it all to him lol.

-jasmine kweh.

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